I recently found an old copy of The American Girl Magazine and I thought I'd share some of the images and ads from it with all of you. This magazine was published by the Girl Scouts of America from 1917 until 1979 "for all girls" and was filled with fiction, fashion, etiquette and civics lessons. Some of the articles in this issue (Feb.1952) include Double Date Part IV, Be Prepared: World Mindedness, Accent the Flair in Fitted Coats and A Penny for Your Thoughts. I've always had a soft spot for anything related to Girl Scouting...I guess because I wanted to join so badly when I was a girl but wasn't allowed to. I still remember how envious I felt of my friend Patty in second grade when she wore her Brownie uniform to school on meeting days! Happily, I have three daughters who all enjoyed being girl scouts and I got to spend many happy hours helping with their scout troups, making sit-upons and chaperoning camping trips. Good memories! So, here are a few fun images and ads from the magazine...I hope you enjoy them! Feel free to use these...just click on them to download the larger version