One of the things Q and I did this weekend while we were in Portland was stop at the
Barn House Sale in Battle Ground, WA. I don't remember how I first stumbled onto the Barn House site...I imagine I found it while reading someone's blog...but I know I was taken by the look of all that vintage loveliness and told myself I'd have to go check out one of their sales. There are several Barn House events held throughout the year...this was the season opener. The day was gorgeous and the drive through the farmlands around Battle Ground was lovely. The barn itself was set back in a green field with an open area in front. There was outdoor vending and refreshments to be had. But once inside the barn it was as if I had stepped into another world! It was truly magical...from the rafters to the floor the barn was draped and hung with some of the most gorgeous things I've seen. There were five additional vendors all selling delicious vintage treasures....photos, vintage buttons, dolls (got one), jewelry, ephemera, tinware, glassware, old tools, old wooden boxes, vintage glass bottles...and so much more. The fun thing was that the vendors were constantly rearranging things as items were sold (quickly!) so every time I turned around the room looked different. I had a wonderful time looking and touching everything. I even ran into old pals Beth and Lisa from
The Salvage Studio! All in all, it was a wonderful morning...Barn House will be at the
Farm Chicks sale in June and will have another event of their own...this time a Flea Market on July 18...mark your calendars!