Here's a postcard I received in the mail yesterday announcing the new book written by my friends Beth, Lisa and Amy of The Salvage Studio. Isn't that a gorgeous cover? The sentiment expresses the feeling I get each time I make a new ATC or any time I spend sitting on the floor cutting and coloring and pasting things together or creating something out of something else. I can't for the life of me remember how I stumbled upon the Salvage Studio but I'm so glad I did. I made my first ATC for a swap held there! I was just in the store this past weekend introducing a friend to it for the first time and it still holds the same fascination for me it did when I first walked into it! If you've ever looked at a potato masher and thought "picture holder" or a hubcap and dreamed of "garden art" this is the place for you! If you adore lovely old things, bins of doo dads, cans and jars of what nots, paper bits and re-purposed pieces of the past...you'll love this place. Ok...I'm blathering now but that's how much I love the Salvage Studio. You can pre-order the book here and here and you can take a look at the website here. If you're ever in the Edmonds area be sure to stop in...you'll leave with some treasures and perhaps a whole new way of looking at things!