Well, here I am again...I've not been very productive lately. Just feeling out of sorts and uninspired. I find it hard to work on anything at times because all of my supplies are scattered in several different areas. I spend as much time looking for something as I do actually creating anything! At least it seems that way. Anyway...I did make a little something to add to this month's BBB on the PWA site. It's a beaded trinket box. Everything has to have microbeads on it in some way or another. I had an unfinished box so I just painted it, added an image and then beaded and embossed the lid. I think it came out nicely. Everyone adds things throughout the month and then on the first day of the new month thee's a drawing and the winner takes all the entries. I'll keep you posted and let you know if I won! tonight I've been working on a little collage card. I've got it part way done...here's what I have so far. I'm not sure what else I'm going to add but it needs something...